Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Process of Affirmation

The Process of Affirmation

It is an undisputed fact that all human beings desire happiness. Happiness is what we are created for. However, every human being, no matter how many close friends he has is also, in the ultimate analysis, unique and alone. As he stands alone in his uniqueness, he will either feel predominantly weak, inadequate and unhappy; or he feels more firm, strong and happy, as a baseline. It all hinges on how he perceives himself. If he perceives himself to be good, worthwhile and lovable, he will possess himself strongly and firmly. The contrary is also totally dependant upon another human being’s gift of affirmation. The earlier in life he receives this gift the sooner his growing firmness and strength and talents, and to share his growing happiness with others.

Pete McGourty
Expect Success

Friday, April 11, 2008

What Expect Success is all about

Expect Success Mission Statement:

Expect Success Inc. provides counseling, coaching, and consulting services to individuals, families and businesses seeking to achieve that success which is consistent with the eternal values of truth and charity.

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Pete McGourty is a business and life coach and professional counselor in Charlotte, NC. To learn more about Pete McGourty and Expect Success, go to